What is Mosaic Bible Fellowship

Vision:  To establish a multiethnic, economically diverse church established by men and women seeking to know God and make Him known through the pursuit of unity in accordance with the prayer of Jesus Christ (John17: 20-23) and patterned after the New Testament church @ Antioch (Acts 11:19-16; 13:1ff.)

Mission:  To Bring Broken People Back to A Loving God.

Ministry Focus:

  1. Walking- we use this word as a metaphor for our spiritual inner life.  At the core of a Christian’s life, we are to walk in fellowship with one another (Acts 2:42b) and walk as a disciple (apprentice) of Christ (Acts2: 42a).
  2. Working-This is our outward expression into the community and into the lives of those outside the church.  We are called by God to do the work of an evangelist  (2Tim 4:5) We must therefore go out, roll up our sleeves and serve out community according to our particular gifting (Acts 2:47).
  3. Worshipping- On Sundays, we come together in the church to worship God and celebrate His awesomeness in our lives! (Acts 2:42c)


  1. Christ Centered Preaching and Teaching
  2. Caring Relationships
  3. Practical Ministry
  4. Racial and economic diversity